Instrumentarium Science Foundation awarded 1.400.000 Euros for science and research


Instrumentarium Science Foundation has awarded grants of EUR 1.400.000 to researchers in medicine, science and technology. Grants were awarded to a total of 38 individuals or groups. PhD Jonna Alanko, University of Turku, PhD Andrew Erickson, University of Helsinki and PhD Aapo Ristaniemi, University of Eastern Finland, received the Foundation's largest grant of EUR 150.000.

The Foundation's board awarded three Instrufoundation Fellow grants of 150.000 euros. In addition, eight post-doc grants totaling 360,000 euros were awarded, and 26 grants totaling 540.000 euros were awarded to applicants preparing their dissertations. The Silmu grant of 50.000 euros intended to support scientific entrepreneurship was awarded to Lignum Medical Oy. The Board of the Foundation awarded a total of 38 grants. About 9 % of all submitted applications could be funded.

Instrufoundation Fellow grant


450 000 €

Post-doc grants


360 000 €



50 000 €

Grants for doctoral students


540 000 €

News: Instrumentarium Foundation awards 1.4 million euros in grants to advance breakthroughs in medicine

The recipients of the Foundation's grants will be announced at an announcement event on February 14, 2024 at Astoria-sali, Iso Roobertinkatu 14, Helsinki.

The grants given in 2024 and before (in Finnish):